RaDAR 5 Point Challenge – Feedback

I learnt again not to rely on cell networks for anything data related. I used APRSdroid (http://aprsdroid.org/) to broadcast position but only a few points were recorded. See http://aprs.fi/#!mt=hybrid&z=16&call=a%2FZS6BNE-7&timerange=3600

The Garmin GPS Track.

Here you see the route to KG24 (Specifically KG24xd90qm) and back to give Lukas ZS6LH, a rare grid contact on QRP SSB. See http://connect.garmin.com/player/220755889 Choose aerial view and press the “Play” button to see movement info.

Most hams use 4 to 6 character grid locators quite regularly. Technology is available for more accurate grid locators. Further promotion for 8 to 10 character locators needs to be done. It has tremendous advantages for radio amateurs.

This excercise proved that dedicated calling frequencies need to be used. Even a 10 kHz wide range of frequencies could not have worked. Lukas ZS6LH, suggested using 7090 kHz LSB which worked very effectively. I called on 7020 kHz CW with no replies …..

A RaDAR – “Mast”

A dome tent collapsible brace used to hold the middle of the 40m End Fed Half Wave Antenna about 1.5 meters above the ground in the absence of trees. (Test case) Only used at the first deployment point. At the other deployment points I used a tree because they were available.

Note the nylon rope holding the two “legs” in place.

Yes certainly. Lukas ZS6LH being on the SSB “calling” frequency, 7090 kHz, helped me get through all my points. We’d need to have a “control station” or a few in various areas to cater for skip conditions. This was an experiment. I certainly, once again, learnt a lot.

The final destination point …. a short video clip. Lukas ZS6LH and Johnny ZS6JSE can be heard here.


and ….. last but not least, the paperwork …. slightly modified. The idea was one contact per deployment point but many more QSO’s were possible.


Although ham radio operators operate as individuals, it still is a team “sport”. We need each other to make anything a success.

It is done …..

73 de Eddie ZS6BNE
SARL member. Radio ZS Contributor. Licenced since 1975
Rapid Deployment Amateur Radio

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