A rather new discussion on our local forum led me to do a little research on APRS again. I posed a few questions. Interesting to see there is a little APRS activity in South Africa.

Is it being put to good use or only an indicator of a very few vehicle movements?
Is any messaging done through the network?
How many active weather stations are there nowadays?
What are the main coverage areas?
Are there still 300 baud HF gateways?

An answer from Andrew ZS5CEY, “DMR radios with GPS can post their positions to APRS via our Brandmeister DMR Master (providing radio set up to do this). This also allows two-way messaging between DMR radios and APRS, and is supposed on all the DMR repeaters”. I need to do a little study on this technology.

Paul ZS1V replied, “Hamnet WC and GS both use 2m APRS during events and WC have used it for multi-day missing persons searches with WSAR also”.

I went to apsr.fi and did a few searches and was pleasantly surprised!

Cape town


and Gauteng!

Great to see all the active weather stations!

Hennie ZS6EY provided some port info, “You can also connect to http://zs6ey.no-ip.org:14501 on all three ports”. Andy ZS5CEY also mentioned a backup server URL, “You can connect to my backup server at http://www.easytracking.co.za and the port you want to connect to”.

Maybe time to look into APRS again. I have a KAM XL lying around doing nothing!

Just got Xastir running under Zorin OS 12.3 Linux 🙂

Yet Another APRS Client (YAAC)

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